On the Issues

  • Jobs

    Albert is focused on jobs for southwest Wyoming by supporting our core industries (trona, oil, natural gas, coal, tourism, and agriculture), emerging industries (nuclear), and future economic development opportunities

  • Tax Relief and Tax Reform

    As Speaker of the House, Albert shepherded historic property tax relief in the 2024 Budget Session for Wyoming homeowners. Albert helped push four of these five bills across the finish line. Albert is committed to responsible property tax relief.

  • K-12 Education

    Albert sponsored the Education Savings Account, voted for the Parental Rights in Education bill, and he voted yes on the budget that supported an inflationarty adjustment for local school districts. Albert has been a strong advocate for education funding, Career Technical Education, community colleges, and the University of Wyoming.

  • Mental Health Services

    Wyoming's suicide rate is one of the worst in the nation, and Albert knows we can do better. Albert voted for the 988 Suicide Hotline. He sponsored the budget amendment to give mental health support grants to school districts to help our young people.

  • Federal Overreach

    Albert voted yes on the budget so the state of Wyoming and communities can use dollars to defend Wyoming’s way of life. As Speaker of the House, Albert pushed back against the Rock Springs RMP revisions, and supported the residents of Southwest Wyoming.

  • Natural Resources

    As a headwater state, we must fight to protect Wyoming’s water. Albert sponsored legislation that created Wyoming’s Colorado River Advisory Committee, which gives Wyoming water users a voice in Colorado River politics. Southwest Wyoming’s impressive resources include minerals, wildlife, water, rangeland, and scenic landscapes. I support these natural resources and am an advocate of the multiple-use doctrine.